Emplify: A Company Focused on Employee Experience

5 minute read

Last month, our blog posts were focused on our E-Book, Get More done with a PEO and how PEOs can help your business grow.

One way that PEOs help and support business growth is by improving the employee experience for client companies. In last week’s blog post, FullStack’s VP of Business Development, Daniel Fuller, discusses just how important employee experience is to small businesses.

This week we are highlighting a company headquartered in Indianapolis that is focused on increasing employee engagement, which is closely related to employee experience. Emplify is on a mission to help all people achieve their true potential at work, helping transform company cultures of disengaged employees to highly engaged.  With recent Gallup polls showing only a third of employees are actively engaged at work, which they defined as “involved in, enthusiastic about, and committed to their work and workplace,” Emplify’s work could not be more timely.

By administering confidential psychometrically-valid questionnaires, Emplify’s tool gives a company a score  in each of the 14 key areas of engagement., Instead of only sending the results and moving on, Emplify pairs each company with a strategist who helps interpret the results, understand the state of engagement in an organization, and assists in building an action-plan.

Emplify’s Co-Founder, Adam Weber says this about employee experience, “Employee experience is the start to finish, the employee is your customer, and so what does every component of that look like, from your brand, to your social component of your brand, hiring process, offboarding process.”

Here are a few of Adam’s practical tips for leaders to improve the employee experience and increase engagement: meet consistently with your team, be transparent in your decision-making process, give consistent and steady positive and constructive feedback, be candid when expectations are not met, and challenge employees to do great things.

Emplify and FullStack both recognize the importance of employee experience and how vital it is to the success of a business. Check out the video below to find more information from Adam Weber about employee experience.