FullStack’s First Client Satisfaction Survey

5 minute read

FullStack, like many other start-ups, wants to make sure client satisfaction is at an all-time high for existing clients. Therefore, part of our strategic plan included developing a quick survey to send to them annually, here in September.

The good news was that we had 70% participation, which is actually pretty good for super-busy business owners and operators. The super good news is that we have an overall Net Promoter Score of 86% (we were aiming for over 80 for the first survey), with operational areas scoring in the 80’s and 90’s. There’s always places in which we can improve, especially in our first year, so even though we’re perfectionists, we are happy with this constructive feedback and look forward to improving.

The best outcome is that we had some REAL feedback that we have already begun taking to heart, with items we could take action on straightaway. One thing we’ve heard the most is asking for additional services to help our client owners learn about HR and collaborate, so this week, we sent our Slack channel invites to FullStack’s client leaders. We’ve already had some use of the page for private messages and questions, so we’re looking forward to continuing that and letting it grow organically among our client leaders.

It’s all part of our greater mission to help businesses emerge and thrive – You have to have connection in order to leverage knowledge in our business communities, and you have to be willing to communicate with one another to help one another succeed. We’re happy to be helping our clients do so and hope these connections will help them exponentially as they grow and evolve.