Mental Health Awareness Introduction Blog

5 minute read

One of the biggest challenges I face as a business leader is prioritizing my mental health in the midst of my priorities of growing our business through sales and being a husband and father to my growing, young family.  The mental noise of the many conversations I have throughout the day and decisions I have to make stays with me into the evening, even when I have a transition practice between work and home to let go and leave work at work.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the lines have become completely blurred between work and home, and prioritizing mental health has been difficult at times because of this.  May is Mental Health Awareness month, and it couldn’t come at a better time to remember mental health’s importance in my day to day life.

Here are a few things I’ve been doing to prioritize my mental health during COVID-19 at home:

  • Work Outside – I’m currently sitting outside on my deck in the Spring sun, overlooking my vegetable and flower gardens that are coming to life with green and flowers.  I’ve worked outside often and bundled up when needed.
  • Walk – I’ve switched video calls to regular phone calls and gone for a walk during the conversation.  I think more creatively on my feet and my conversation partners aren’t bothered by background noises
  • Continue my exercise and spiritual practices – I’ve tried to keep up with my daily exercise and spiritual practices, as getting into my body and out of the mental churn is key.  My favorite is going for trail runs and garden projects which require physical labor.
  • Play – My 5-year-old is home and has a lot of energy, so I try to take the early morning, a few minutes over lunchtime, and the evening to play with him and get outside.

I’m thankful to be led by our Co-Founder and COO, Dawn Lively, who shared these thoughts on the importance of mental health and a few of her own practices:

“It’s crucial for business owners to take care of themselves in these uncertain times. As they say in the airline video, we have to put on our own oxygen masks first before helping those around us. To that point, I take time every day to meditate. I’m also taking the time most days to take a walk. And I’m taking a devoted lunch break to help “chunk out” my day and provide me respite with needed, as well as time to refresh. In the afternoons when I have my children, I make sure we all go outside to take a walk or blow bubbles or ride bikes and play. It’s essential to take care of ourselves before we can appropriately take care of others.”

Check out our blog and social this month on interviews with partners and clients on their mental health practices, and resources for small businesses.  If this hits home for you, please don’t hesitate to schedule a quick phone call.