
Hiring Remotely

As many small businesses lift hiring freezes, managers will be facing the new challenge of remote hiring. Many companies are keeping their employees at home or maintaining social distancing at the workplace, making what was before an in-person interviewing process more challenging. Here are a few suggestions for navigating the hiring process remotely for your company.

Prepare your interview committee.

With the rise in virtual meeting platforms aiding in the hiring process, it’s important to consider etiquette. Ensure your interview committee knows what questions are going to be asked and who will be asking them, allowing for brief pauses to avoid talking over one another, and how to engage over video. Its also important to make sure both the interview committee and the candidate have the capabilities to meet virtually – clear instructions on how to join the interview meeting and what platform being used is crucial.

Lead Conversation Authentically

You are interviewing the candidate, and the candidate is also interviewing you and your company!  That said, authentically share your company culture, and 3-4 values that guide this culture.  Share stories of how employees are living out these values, and how this has continued or adapted to a remote workplace.  Share what your challenges have been as a company and as a leader, and the solutions you are seeking.  Ask specific questions to the candidate about how they envision living out company values remotely, and the challenges and solutions they foresee.

Remember what’s important during an in-person interview.

Although expectations will change with performing a virtual interview, it’s still important to remember the end goal – finding the right candidate for the position. Ensuring the right questions are being asked, listening to the answers the interviewee is giving, and paying attention to tone and demeanor are all still important. In the end, this person will be joining your team – you still need to ensure they are a good fit. For more information on how to find the right fit for the job, read FullStack’s article on the topic.