February Theme: Diversity and Inclusion

5 minute read

Now that 2019 is underway, our team has decided to choose a monthly theme that relates to important topics within HR, especially for emerging technology companies.  In honor of Black History Month, our first theme is diversity and inclusion. At FullStack, we support and empower our client companies to follow HR best practices regarding diversity, inclusion, and discrimination.  That said, companies that are truly diverse in all senses of the word are definitely the minority in business, especially technology companies according to recent research (Winning 2018).  On a positive note, McKinsey’s research (2015) shows that companies who have diversity, both in their leadership teams and employee population, have higher financial returns.  We will be sharing some of this research and other thought leadership pieces through our social media channels in February, along with some stories of great people and companies in Indiana who are doing great work in this space.

We hope to not only shed light on this topic, introduce you to some great thought leaders and companies in this space, but also share practical tips for how you can take next steps toward growing diversity within your company.  We believe that  emerging companies who make this a priority are not only going to be more successful, but also have stronger, healthier, and more creative company cultures.


McKinsey & Co., 2015: “Why Diversity Matters.”  https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/why-diversity-matters

Winning, Lisa, 2018.  “https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisawinning/2018/03/13/its-time-to-prioritize-diversity-across-tech/#179bce0216f8”