Finding the Right Fit – Hiring the Right Person for the Job

5 minute read

Hiring freezes due to COVID-19 are beginning to lift for some companies, and many companies are conducting remote interviewing processes and hiring remote team members for the first time.  This month we will focus on hiring remotely and learn from some companies and leaders who have expertise in this. To begin with, it’s important to start with the fundamentals.

One of the biggest challenges every manager faces occurs during the hiring process. You have a stack of resumes in front of you – or you’ve gone through interviews with selected candidates – and you have to decide who is a good fit for the position and the company culture. Oftentimes there are several excellent choices in front of you, all with varying experiences that would benefit the role. How do you choose? Here are some tips that will help leaders pick the right candidate for the job.

Match the description to the role.

The most important aspect of finding the right candidate is the job description. Although it can be challenging to fully convey the responsibilities and duties of a position, answering the following questions can help shape a job description that truly reflects the role:

  • What physical and mental tasks are involved with the role?
  • What methods or equipment are needed for this job?
  • Why does this job exist? What purpose does it fulfill?
  • What training or experience is needed for a person to be successful in this role?

Clearly define what success looks like

Job descriptions need to go beyond what someone will do and how they will do it by giving candidates a clear picture of what success looks like for the position, and how they will be measured.  A bonus is for the description to share tangible business goals for the company and how the position’s role will help fulfill this.  It is a great service to candidates to give clear goals and metrics on which they will be measured.  It can also lead to revealing interviews when you talk on these goals to show if someone is fit or not for the position.

Ask your team for input.

As a manager, you have the best of intentions for your team. Since the position being filled will directly impact their daily lives and projects, they should be included in the process. This could be having a team member sit on the hiring committee or including a team interview and giving them a voice to speak into the selection.  Seeing how they communicate and engage with others can give you insight into how they may mesh with the team.

Think outside-the-box.

For the most part, there are standard questions reviewed in preparation for their interview. While these are great questions that give insight into the candidate’s background, it’s important to be creative in your question choices. Asking situational questions where the candidate explains how he or she would act under those circumstances. This can show their thought process and how they evaluate problems and solutions.