FullStack in the Community – Empowering an Indiana Tech Startup

5 minute read

One of our core values at FullStack is to be involved in the betterment of Indiana communities and the state as a whole.  We especially value supporting startup companies who are using technology for these ends locally and globally.  

We’re excited to introduce you to Predictive Wear, a startup from Purdue Foundry with vision to make a global impact of saving lives through the combination of predictive medicine and wearable technology.  Their first project is a compression sock embedded with sensors that provide data to patients and orthopedic surgeons in order to prevent death in patients from blood clots after hip or knee replacement surgeries (Pulmonary Embolism).  In their research in Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University, Predictive Wear Founders Pablo Argote and Dane Albaugh and their team of engineers were astounded by the thousands of preventable deaths, and knew that they needed to band together to do something about it.

They began their research with expert advising while still students, and since graduating have been fully focused on launching.  When we at FullStack were introduced to Predictive, they were holding meetings for Predictive Wear in many different public locations between Purdue and the northside of Indianapolis, and had lab space in the basement of one of their houses in Zionsville.  In partnership with zWorks, a coworking space in Zionsville, FullStack is excited to provide a scholarship to Predictive Wear of a zWorks membership.  In a recent interview, Albaugh spoke to the benefits of the zWorks membership for Predictive Wear in this stage of the company:

“At zWorks, there are individuals who do medical regulatory consultation, there are medical device startups, and medical software companies.  It is great being able to come to zWorks and receive mentoring and strategic advice from them as we launch.  We are thankful to FullStack for providing a scholarship for a membership that would have been hard to justify at this stage of our launch.”  

Argote added, “It is also great to have access to professional meeting rooms at zWorks where we can host important Predictive Wear meetings with advisors, investors, and potential clients.”
Be on the lookout for Predictive Wear who have exciting plans to move their first product forward in 2019!  You can read more about them at www.predictivewear.com or on a recent interview with zWorks.