FullStack in the Community: zWORKS Partnership

5 minute read

Last week, we told Predictive Wear’s story as FullStack provided them a scholarship to cowork at zWORKS and interface with a great entrepreneurial community as they start up their company.  This week, we want to tell the story of our partner, zWORKS!

FullStack is a gold partner of zWORKS, a nonprofit organization whose mission “is to be an economic development engine for the Zionsville area by providing entrepreneurs and workers a coworking space, and to catalyze entrepreneurs in accelerating the establishment and growth of their startups through programming and resources.”

Launched in 2015 at one location in the heart of downtown Zionsville, zWORKS now has two locations within walking distance to have space for their growing number of members.  What we love about zWorks is its small, tight-knit community ambiance that is representative of the surrounding city of Zionsville.  Members have access to coworking and office space with the benefit of a community of support as they grow their business.

FullStack has been grateful for the opportunity to be an HR resource to zWORKS entrepreneurs as they launch and grow their businesses.  FullStack COO, Dawn Lively, our resident HR expert, has held regular office hours in 2018 at zWORKS and welcomed questions from members about HR or payroll challenges.

We casually interviewed zWORKS Executive Director, Kate Swanson who shared about zWorks, the FullStack partnership, and Predictive Wear scholarship.  Enjoy the short video and contact Kate if you are an entrepreneur in the Zionsville area looking for coworking space!