As leaders learn to manage their teams remotely, the uncertainty of what the future for their company as a whole will look like is certainly weighing on them. Understanding what the new “normal” will look like and how to stay relevant is something on most managers’ minds. Here are some ways managers can navigate these uncertain times.

Learn how to understand customers’ changing needs.

Like most people, customers are unsure what the future holds – and that can be scary. Whether your customers are individuals or other companies, discovering what challenges they’re navigating now (and what might be a concern in the future) will help your organization shape how you communicate and connect with customers – both current and potential. Boardable is an Indy SaaS company that has made adjustments to help out organizations during the current crisis. Boardable is currently offering a 90-day free trial of its board management software (normally a 30-day free trial). This gives the opportunity to potential clients who are looking for ways to keep up communication with their board a chance to try out their program during financially challenging times.

Evaluate new ways to deliver your service.

With many small businesses having to close store locations and cancel meetings with clients, understanding new and innovative ways to continue to deliver value to your customers is necessary to keep your business relevant. As we’ve seen many restaurants shift to carryout and delivery, companies can learn how to make similar adjustments. One way to keep in touch with clients is through virtual meetings and webinars. IndyHub has been hosting Facebook Live and other virtual meetings with local business and community leaders in Indianapolis to keep people connected. This is an easy way to stay in touch with customers and other business leaders – and creating these meaningful connections can have a positive impact on future relationships.

Take the opportunity to evaluate your current practices.

In times of crisis, it is important to take a step back and take a look at the big picture. Allowing for a moment of evaluation can help your organization to discover what’s working and what needs to be changed. This reflection period can lead to new opportunities and strategies that can help shape your company’s future. Some areas to consider are marketing strategy, target customers, and product and service offerings.


Good Communication Can Save Your Brand During Quarantine (Entrepreneur)

5 Creative Ways Small Businesses are Succeeding During the COVID-19 Quarantine (Fast Company)