Invest in a PEO

5 minute read

Recently, we released our own eBook, Get More Done with a PEO, which goes into detail about how a PEO can help your business grow. In last week’s blog, we discussed how outsourcing your HR needs to a PEO will help your company save time, reduce risk, and create a better employee experience.

Utilizing a PEO is an investment in your company and your employees. Is it an investment that your company is ready to make?

How much is it going to cost to use a PEO?

There are some expenses, such as worker’s compensation and unemployment taxes, that you would have to pay regardless of working with a PEO. So, besides those expenses, how much does it cost to work with a PEO? That depends on several factors, including the size of your company, which PEO model you use, and how transparent the PEO is with its fees.

We can help you uncover the costs of using a PEO. Schedule a call with us to find out the costs for your company to use a PEO.

How does the PEO Business Model Work?

There are two prevalent business models PEOs use. One is a percentage-based model, where you pay a percentage of your company’s payroll. Under this model, the costs you pay each month can vary, depending on your payroll.

The other model is a flat fee for each of your employees paid monthly or annually to provide HR services. Other services will be flat fee as well, including new employee setup. You know up front how much each employee will cost you and can budget accordingly.

In both models, you are responsible for the actual health care costs, taxes, etc., for your employees.

A few words from FullStack PEO COO, Dawn Lively.

“Here at FullStack, we strive to be transparent with our clients and partners. Transparency can be a huge barrier to companies interested in learning more about PEOs and the services PEOs can provide. It is so important for companies to know what they are paying for and the services they will be offered. We believe that being transparent is just the right thing to do and we strive to work with each company closely and transparently.”

Utilizing a PEO is an investment in your company and your employees. It is an investment that will help your company save time, reduce risk, and create a better employee experience. This investment can help grow your business. Schedule a call with us to find out the costs for your company to use a PEO. Learn more about how using a PEO is a wise investment in your company by downloading our newest eBook, “Get More Done with a PEO.”