JA Benefits Interview - Post

5 minute read

As we round out our discussion on health insurance, we spoke with Jaren Hornbeak from JA Benefits – an innovative, Indiana-based company focused on finding the best benefits possible for a company’s employees.  They are also a great partner of FullStack, helping us manage our employee benefits plans.

When we spoke with Jaren, we asked about the importance of health insurance during the current COVID-19 pandemic. “ Health insurance is an important decision for small businesses because it can help protect the health and financial stability of individuals and organizations.” Jaren went on to mention the unknown and be prepared.  “Life happens, and we do not know when we will need to use our health insurance. It is important that small businesses are always educated and choosing health insurance plans that are a good fit for their organization.”

Choosing health insurance can be a daunting task for small businesses. We asked Jaren if he had any advice for managers when it comes to picking health insurance. Here’s what he said:

  1. Explore all of your options – There are many different plans and funding strategies for health insurance, many of which are available to small businesses.
  2. Survey Employees – Learn and understand what your employees want out of their benefits. This helps with ensuring you choose the health insurance that fits you best
  3. Have a Process – Identify a repeatable process that works for your organization when it comes to choosing your health plans annually. Start this process with this question in mind – “What do we want to accomplish with our benefits plans?”

Jaren understands mistakes can be made while choosing health insurance for your company. The most common mistake he sees is a company remaining with a plan because it’s what they’ve always had. He said, “While the plan may work and be manageable, oftentimes businesses will miss an opportunity to go from good to great because they would rather not go through the perceived headache that comes along with making benefits changes.” This mistake is also a key part of Jaren’s advice – be open to exploring your options. “There is no one size fits all benefits plan for small businesses, so explore what is the best fit for you!”

To learn more about JA Benefits, visit their website and talk with Jaren on LinkedIN.  Want more health insurance-related resources? Check out Fullstack’s health insurance resource list.