Telling a Client Story: Powderkeg

5 minute read

We are starting a series of sharing our client’s stories.  Our first client we want to highlight is Powderkeg.  Headquartered in Indianapolis, Powderkeg is the connections engine for tech founders, investors, and professionals at startups between the coasts.  They are tapping into the power of relationships with over 10,000 members in 11 cities outside of Silicon Valley who connect through events and online forums.  In addition, Powderkeg wants to equip tech companies with the resources and knowledge they need to be successful.  For this end, they have developed 5 tech censuses this year alone for Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Denver, Boulder, and Tennessee (covering Nashville, Chattanooga, Memphis, and Knoxville).  These censuses explore the momentum, factors, growth and challenges facing these cities’ tech community.


We recently asked Powderkeg’s fearless leaders, Matt Hunckler and Kevin Bailey, to speak to how their company has been served by FullStack since the beginning of this year as they have grown to 8 employees.  We’ve included a video of Matt speaking to their experience with FullStack, and here’s how Kevin responded to a few interview questions:

Q: How have FullStack’s HR services helped you and Powderkeg?

A: FullStack has basically made HR a breeze.  You made the hiring process very simple – I hire someone, give them your information, and you take care of the paperwork and everything else.  Your payroll links up very well with our accounting firm, it is a seamless integration.

Q: What do you appreciate about FullStack’s service offerings?

A: FullStack is very savvy, especially in hiring and employee relations, and everything HR.  It allows me to focus on what matters in the business and not worry about things that other people can do easily.

Q: What have you liked about your interactions with the FullStack team?  How have we been helpful to you?

A: We are really impressed with your team’s responsiveness to our questions and needs – sometimes it seems like I can send an email and get a response within an hour!  You have been enjoyable to interact with regardless if the situation is challenging or not.

Powderkeg’s Founder and CEO Matt Hunckler had this to say on the included video below: “We have referred FullStack to a number of our clients and they are super happy with the service they get.  The thing for me that I appreciate the most is that it allows me to focus more on executive tasks, the strategic and big picture parts of team building, where FullStack is an expert in managing the tactical aspects and details of growing and scaling a team.  It has been immensely helpful and I could not be more thankful to be a customer of FullStack.”

We are thankful for Powderkeg’s partnership and look forward to continuing to serve them and other Powderkeg members.